Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ritualized Feeding

In many ways I am a very ritual, methodical person. Though I tend to have probably less daily rituals than most, I have many weekly, seasonal, and other rituals.

One of my favorite rituals is my weekly trip to the grocery store. Almost every week, I go to the same grocery with my best friend on Wednesday. We go through the store in very nearly the same order, at near the same time of day, and go through the same lady's checkout line. We like our grocery trips. Sometimes we have other shopping to do after. Or we pick up my CSA box. Then go to the post office and head home.

At home, Channy hangs out while I meticulously organize my groceries and put them away, organizing and cleaning out the fridge at the same time. I love looking at my fridge when I'm done, all full of color and clean. I love to cook for my husband and I and live out of town, so looking in at all my fresh produce and meat for the week makes my heart smile.

If you have to do something all the time you might as well make it fun, right? Sometimes we'll go out to lunch as well, or fold laundry and watch tv, or Channy will stay over for dinner and a movie. But for some odd reason Grocery Wednesdays are pretty fabulous.

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